The medical testing overload and how California healthcare organziations are addressing it
Three of the California's largest healthcare purchasers have banded together to promote care that’s safer and more cost-effective.
Three of the California's largest healthcare purchasers have banded together to promote care that’s safer and more cost-effective.
The study zeroed in on patterns of utilization and spending for acute respiratory illnesses since this is the most common reason why people use direct-to-consumer telemedicine services.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California announced the formation of the The California Integrated Data Exchange, an $80 million, three-year effort that seeks to share information of some 9 million patients among the state’s top payers and providers in an attempt to bring down healthcare costs and improve outcomes. The two insurers, along […]
The NYTimes points toward areas of the United States where surgeries may be much cheaper for some patients, in part due to programs trying to drive down costs, in a comment-driven follow-up to the newspaper’s article on medical tourism and the medical device industry. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) program is the exemplar […]